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tsImport() is an enhanced import() that can load TypeScript files. Because it's an enhancement over the native import(), it even supports top-level await!

Use this function for importing TypeScript files in Module mode without adding TypeScript support to the entire runtime.

The current file path must be passed in as the second argument to resolve the import context.

Since this is designed for one-time use, it does not cache loaded modules.

ESM usage

import { tsImport } from 'tsx/esm/api'

const loaded = await tsImport('./file.ts', import.meta.url)

// If tsImport is used to load file.ts again,
// it does not yield a cache-hit and re-loads it
const loadedAgain = await tsImport('./file.ts', import.meta.url)

If you'd like to leverage module caching, see the ESM scoped registration section.

CommonJS usage

const { tsImport } = require('tsx/esm/api')

const loaded = await tsImport('./file.ts', __filename)


Custom tsconfig.json path

tsImport('./file.ts', {
    parentURL: import.meta.url,
    tsconfig: './custom-tsconfig.json'

Disable tsconfig.json lookup

tsImport('./file.ts', {
    parentURL: import.meta.url,
    tsconfig: false

Tracking loaded files

Detect files that get loaded with the onImport hook:

tsImport('./file.ts', {
    parentURL: import.meta.url,
    onImport: (file: string) => {
        // file:///foo.ts